
Timber Frame Houses & Extensions

Timber framed houses & extensions

Oak Frame Buildings

For many, Oak frames and Douglas Fir frames bring much loved character and solidity to their homes and create dramatic living space. They form the primary structure and bring practical benefits to a build - enabling controlled offsite manufacture and speedy on-site construction.

Oak framing is a specialist area and one of the particular strengths of the HUTI team. Drawing from the old traditions of timber construction and blending with more recent building styles and modern timber engineering techniques, Oak framing has been through a meteoric resurgence in the last 30 or 40 years and is now fully accepted as being part of contemporary architecture and a large proportion of self-build projects. Architects and framers have worked hard to resolve the modern detailing of these buildings and, executed properly by experienced teams, an Oak frame approach can happily meet the stringent standards and levels of comfort expected from modern buildings.