
Cabins and Studios

Cabins & Studios


Timber Frame Cabins and Garden Studios

HUTI builds and designs a wide range of bespoke timber frame cabins and garden studios. These versatile garden buildings are ideal for a multitude of uses - serving as a home office, a creative space for artists and writers, a home classroom, guest room, teenage hangout, yoga studio or consultation space.

A bespoke cabin can make a wonderful addition to your property and they have become an extremely popular if not essential property addition in recent years both for providing year-round usable space in the garden and facilitating additional income streams by offering work space and accommodation to rent out. They are often an easier project than extending the existing building and in most cases they will add significant value to the property.

Cabins can be moveable or permanent as required, simple & rustic or fully insulated and connected to services..

Our designs are easily tailored to fit within the parameters of permitted development but please note that each situation must be assessed and professional Planning and Building Control advice sought to ensure any development complies with the regulations. We are happy to help you with this if required. Please give us a call.


The sky really is the limit when it comes to how these small spaces can be designed and configured and they can be an expression of you - a space tailored exactly to your requirements. They are practical and endlessly adaptable as additional space - growing with you and evolving in use as your life needs change. In most cases a garden cabin is a small space - under 30m2 - the compact nature is part of the charm and the separation of the space from your main living accommodation can bring many benefits - whether a degree of privacy for clients, getting rid of the kids to a separate space, or providing an island of calm for creative work, meditation or to focus on work. All of our cabins are multi-terrain buildings and can be built on stilts with balconies, verandahs and walkways to suit your situation however tricky the terrain.

If your site is tricky you might want to check out our ‘Wild Spaces’ page >>> where you will find structures able to take on steep slopes and woodland settings.

For larger garden buildings and living accommodation see our ‘Annexes’ page >>>

We also work with commercial enterprises designing and building cabins for glamping and rental accommodation.